WCRA Accomplishments
What have we done for you lately?
You may not be aware, but WCRA leadership has been working tirelessly behind the scenes.
· We have hired a lobbyist to educate members of the legislature on the importance of keeping Certified Court Reporters in the courts and depositions in Washington. · We are fighting companies attempting to introduce digital reporting in Washington. · We sought a court rule amendment with the Supreme Court seeking to add language allowing for reporting remotely. That rule amendment was passed and became effective in 2021. · We have a newly formed student outreach task force seeking to bring more people into our wonderful profession. · We asked DOL and NCRA to recognize NCRA’s RSR test as equivalent to Washington’s CCR exam. After a great deal of effort was extended, that has now come to fruition, adding new reporters to our ranks in numbers that have not been seen in a couple of decades. · We have a newly formed social media committee creating awareness of court reporting through multi-media posting. · We are conducting an outreach to all judges across Washington to promote the benefits of certified stenographic reporting. We believe that has resulted in more judges seeking live court reporters in their courtrooms, including in King County. · We have met with the WSBA Board of Governors to promote certified stenographic reporting, inform attorneys of contracting practices being undertaken by some agencies, new language and rules relating to notaries in Washington, and how to protect and secure their record. · We filed a formal complaint with the Consumer Protection of the Office of the Attorney General calling out companies who are not in compliance with the Court Reporting Practice Act. · We assisted attorneys in both King and Pierce Counties in successfully drafting motions of opposition when motions were filed seeking to allow for alternative means of capturing the record in depositions. In King County, the motion was denied. In Pierce County, the motion was withdrawn. · WCRA is recognized across the United States as one of the toughest associations in keeping certified stenographic reporters at the forefront. This is due mostly to the efforts of your WCRA Board of Directors.
What Does WCRA need from you to help in accomplishing our goals and objectives? YOU! · We need your support and membership · Volunteers to appear for career days (these are FUN! ) · Volunteers to serve on committees
